A Journey Begins
Our journey begins in the middle of the 90’ties, with the original creator Rasmus Thorup.
“Maps has always inspired me; I have spent many hours studying them. My favorites were the large ones in
the classrooms as they triggered my imagination: Who lived in those forests? Who had sailed the oceans?
What secrets dwelled in the mountains?
At the age of 14, I spent many days drawing my own maps, while stories began to unfold in my mind.
Beneath my pencils point, I saw strange creatures fighting people, heard the calls of lonely heroes and the
sad songs of their loved ones. The drawings became sketches of castles, definitions of entire civilizations
and battlefields, and written stories of heroism, evil, longing, and magic.
But as days went by, and I grew older, I forgot all about the mysteries of a world beyond my drawings. Until
one day, my brother found my old drawings and looked at the sketches and read the stories. He too saw
beyond the lines of the maps. But he also saw new adventures, creatures, and characters. The story would
never end, the maps continued to be explored, and we in this world, were only travelers in the world
beyond, trembling through darkness.”
A New Direction
In 2009 the world of Xantosia found its new author, Nikolaj Thorup Jensen.
“I came upon the maps created by my brother, and I was immediately consumed by the idea of a world
hidden beneath these drawings. In the months after my discovery, I delved further and further into the
many pages of stories. At this point, I was already a vivid Dungeon and Dragons gamemaster and player,
but I always knew that I was a creator, not a player. I could see things, where others couldn’t and in that, I
was like my brother. But as he grew older, he forgot the mysteries of a world beyond, and so Xantosia was
left in a dark drawer. I wanted to revitalize Xantosia, to form and mold, and to polish its wonders. And so, I
gathered my friends, and introduced them to the world of Xantosia.
Over the years, Xantosia grew from being a small continent to becoming a part of Essera. Everything was
still based on the same principles that my brother had created for Xantosia. But as the land evolved, new
ones were brought in to give Xantosia and Essera a new life and purpose. “
A World Made By Players
In 2015, the seed that was once known as Xantosia, had grown into a majestic tree of worlds. Essera was ready to be populated by players and gamemasters. But for this to succeed, we needed an outlet and a platform. Unknown Borders became that, it allowed Essera to spread and gain popularity among the inhabitants of Earth. And now almost 5 years later, we have arrived at a new milestone. The websites of Essera has been reworked, maps redrawn, and dozens of new articles await those that wish to delve into the world of Essera.
The journey, however, is not over yet. For there are many corners of Essera that have yet to be discovered. We invite you to join us. Your ideas are the energy that nourishes the seed.
And thus begins your journey: Arm yourself with sword and shield, bow and arrow, quill and magic, trust your friends and you shall know your enemy, for you are about to enter the world of Essera where the song of the ruhks has been heard in north.

Nikolaj T. Jensen
Founder & Lead Author
Martin Y. Berthelsen
Rasmus Thorup
Original WriterSpecial thanks to
Kim Mondrup Kristensen (Author), Daniel Ziga (Author & Developer), Mads Humlum (Think Tank), Mark Kætbak (Author), Rasmus Johnson (Think Tank) & all our friends and family for supporting us!
The great community behind Essera and Unknown Borders, we could not have done this without any of you!
Contact us
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You can also send us an email at contact@unknownborders.net